Sunday, 12 July 2009


I just joined the NaBloPoMo (National Blog posting Month) which means (i think) that I'm supposed to blog everyday for a month :D  not that this should be a problem – i blog most days anyway – usually with a picture.  The only real problem will be in blogging if i don’t have internet access.  i think you can probably do it via text message or on a phone – but not 100% certain.  something i will have to look into :D

Using the awesome power of Google this morning i found a solution to a problem that's been bugging me for ages….why my excel sheets suddenly no longer wanted to update themselves.  It turns out that Excel had – for some reason best known to its self – turned off automatic recalculation.  Now its fixed and I'm a happy bunny! :D  I found the answer here btw!

Have a work in progress….not had time to finish this yet…


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