Sunday, 30 August 2009

I’z been Painting



Heather said...

That's really lovely. I love the colours. What did you paint with? Great work mister!

Simon Rudd said...

thank you mrs :D its acrylics (cant use oils with the evil twins around) i'm quite pleased with it - only took about an hour or so. in fact the paints were mostly cheap (poundland) ones - woo for bargains! :D

fheathermoore said...

You did a great job on it. I must pay a visit to poundland actually. I forgot they sold arty stuff. I'm a cheapskate too - in the sense that I've got no choice! Hehe

Simon Rudd said...

hahaha same here :D the ones of got are a little sticky - i needed to water them down ever so slightly.